Partai Kebangkitan Nasional (PKN) Logo PNG Vector (CDR, AI, EPS, SVG)

Partai Kebangkitan Nasional (PKN) Logo PNG Vector (CDR, AI, EPS, SVG)
Logo Details
  • Category: Logo
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  • Size:

    140 KB - 174 KB

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Download the Partai Kebangkitan Nasional (PKN) vector logo in various formats such as SVG, CDR, Ai, EPS, and PNG for free. Available in a range of vector formats like AI, CDR, EPS, and SVG. Additionally, there is also a logo available in PNG format with a transparent background. Each file is ready for download, providing you with complete access for branding and design needs sourced from a variety of inspiring options.

A political party called PKN (Partai Kebangkitan Nasional) is committed to reviving the country via inclusive development, education, and responsible leadership. The party places a strong emphasis on economic reform and the value of an Indonesia that is democratic and powerful. In an effort to lessen poverty and inequality nationwide, PKN supports laws that empower young people, foster entrepreneurship, and fortify national institutions.

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