Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI) Logo PNG Vector (CDR, AI, EPS, SVG)

Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI) Logo PNG Vector (CDR, AI, EPS, SVG)
Logo Details
  • Category: Logo
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  • Size:

    112 KB - 128 KB

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Download the Partai Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI) vector logo in various formats such as SVG, CDR, Ai, EPS, and PNG for free. Available in a range of vector formats like AI, CDR, EPS, and SVG. Additionally, there is also a logo available in PNG format with a transparent background. Each file is ready for download, providing you with complete access for branding and design needs sourced from a variety of inspiring options.

The youth-led political party PSI (Partai Solidaritas Indonesia) promotes inclusive governance, social liberalism, and progressive ideals. With a focus on topics like environmental sustainability, human rights, and gender equality, PSI seeks to introduce new perspectives to Indonesian politics. The party strives to establish a more open and accountable political system and is dedicated to empowering youth and underrepresented groups.

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